Friday, September 16, 2011

Posting late again...Part 1

Let's see...I was last in Elko, and then headed for Saratoga CA. LONG day, but exciting! I chose to go over the Sierras via Ebbett's Pass, and we did just fine with the grades and the twisty-turny road until just before the second, slightly lower pass when I (and a long string of others) got behind someone in a brand-new 4-wheel drive truck whose driver thought he couldn't go more than 15 mph. Then it started to rain, which became quite a serious hailstorm. The hail wasn't big enough to damage anything, but came down so fast and hard that we were driving through 4" of wet, slushy stuff for several miles. I hadn't found a gas station where I expected to be able to, so was driving on a low tank. I actually made it to Bear Valley without the "out of gas" light coming on! The cost was highway robbery, but it's not the first time I've encountered that, and am now more savvy: fill when you can where the price is right, even if it's only half a tank.

It was dusk by the time I hit Farmington, so had to drive the rest of the way on freeways in the dark, but did OK, helped by the fact that in CA cars with trailers are limited to 55 mph. So I got in the right lane and let everyone else go around me. It was certainly more comfortable in that situation not to be trying to keep up with freeway traffic. Apparently few besides me feel the need to drive at the posted speed limits, but I didn't want to get stopped.

Had a wonderful Sunday/Monday with Steve and Terry! Terry and I went to the Alameda Point Flea Market on Sunday, and I found some goodies...several for my son's use when he's making/serving liquor infusions. Could have spent more money but we ran out of energy just before the closing time. Coming home with a gorgeous multi-colored bedspread which I will probably use for something else entirely.

Due to a general lack of energy and balls, I bailed on two side trips to Berkeley I had planned, and went over to Half Moon Bay State Beach on Tuesday. Lovely site with a small ocean view; cooked rice and a steak on the Coleman for dinner and then hit the hay at dark. Woke early to the sound of gulls and when I looked out, saw they were fighting over something indistinguishable but orange which was too big for any of them to carry off. Finally one of them managed to fly off with it (I surmised later it was my cheese) at which point I looked over at my table and supplies only to discover that raccoons had completely trashed everything. They got into the food storage box and ate everything they could find (oddly, the rice and powdered chai containers were intact); got into the cooler, ditto. But the worst of it was that everything they touched was muddy and wet, and they maybe even tracked their own poop all over the whole mess. I salvaged what I could, tossed the rest into the dirty container and got out of there. Ick. And ew. And O.M.G. (Wish the ranger at the entrance station has mentioned the possibility as the ranger at the Tetons did for the bears.)

So I drove down to Fresno to stay for a few days with my old friends from the 80s and my stint as a theater costumer. It was really hot, and sleeping in the trailer was a bit of a trial, but I learned that if you just ignore the discomforts (like sweat running into your eyes) you can still get to sleep and get a good rest. I also found that when it's safe to do so, sleeping with the hatch on the trailer open and with my head at that end of the trailer is pretty good. Little Guy makes a screen that attaches there with a zipper down the middle and a canopy that extends beyond it, but it's pricey, so I'm going to make my own. Don't need a zipper as I can't climb in that way anyway, and don't need the canopy so it shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish. I might, however, invest in the tent that attaches to the side of the trailer so that I have privacy and somewhere to stand up to dress and most irritating problem at the moment.

(Later note: the side tent is only a screen tent, the rear tent doesn't fit my model, so back to the drawing board on that. I did find a tent at Camping World that wraps around the back of an SUV and I might be able to adapt that...I hope. But will keep investigating all the possibilities)

More to come, but not right now. I'm revamping my plans and will drive straight home. Bella and I are tired of camping. I might even leave today. Being old means you have to pee during the night and the hike to the bathrooms is daunting. Will get a motel somewhere once I get on the road.

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